Monday 31 March 2008


After more than two weeks traipsing around the country, I’m glad to find myself back at our temporary home in Rockwell. Alasdair, obviously, does not feel the same as he hauled himself out of bed very early Monday morning to play golf in Canlubang. Where does he get his energy??? I, however, chose to lounge in bed...

Caught up with a few people this week. It hasn’t been easy as although this has been our longest sojourn to the Philippines, we’ve been out of Manila most of the time. Had dinner with Christine, who I last saw in 1989. Christine is now a travel writer and also continues to be very active with the family’s jewellery business. It was great to see her; however, it’s very difficult to catch up on nineteen years via one dinner. So we’ve vowed to keep in touch. I definitely will, as Christine has a very positive energy around her and she makes me laugh. I’m so happy we’ve managed to see each other again.

Met up with Lizzie and Margarita, two very inspirational women. They head a charitable organization called Sa Aklat Sisikat (In books we prosper, my literal translation, so don't quote), which aims to improve the quality of state education in the Philippines. I’ve always known that there is a problem – however, I had no idea of the extent. The problem is very deep-rooted and I can only compare their work to carving Mt. Apo (the Philippines tallest mountain) with a bent spoon. How these two women don’t fall into a state of despair is something I cannot fathom. Hopefully I can pick up something from them and help them improve education in this country in any way that I can.

Also managed to get dragged by Mayet to see a dermatologist who managed to bring out all my insecurities. Just when you think that your skin isn’t so bad, here comes an expert who starts to talk about how terrible it actually is, then proceeds to poke and prod it with a very tiny instrument of torture. I am now convinced that all dermatologists are sadists. After all, I have never come out of their clinics feeling relaxed – really quite the contrary.

Went to see a fashion show of Lesley Mobo, a Filipino designer based in London. His designs are sold in Harrods. His work is really really nice, but I did wonder how they would be worn in Manila as he showed his Autumn-Winter collection. Sad to say though, it wouldn’t really surprise me to find some desperate fashionista wearing one of his heavy woollen creations in the 30-degree heat.

After the fashion show, we headed off to Zuni for dinner and drinks. Great restaurant and with a great group of people. Fun night.

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